There are those whom you respect, and care about deeply. Preserving the life and experiences of an honored person in a book is a wonderful gift to that person, and a treasure to those who receive it. What gift could you give someone that would mean more than a personal biography would? Jewelry-travel-car – they all pale in comparison to the heartfelt gift of recording a life well lived. Nothing conveys your admiration better than honoring someone you respect with a book about him or her. Spouse-parent-corporate director – who do you admire? Whose life would you like to honor with this highest form of respect?
The gift of recording a loved one’s life and having a book put into print is beyond comparison to any other gift you may have in mind. Nothing says “I admire you” more than honoring someone with a book. No matter the occasion – Christmas, birthday, Mother’s Day, Retirement, Anniversary – express your appreciation by commissioning me to write a book commemorating the life of that special person in your life. It is the perfect way to convey the message that you really wanted to do something spectacular this year.
I preserve lives and histories through writing. My clients wish to preserve various aspects of their lives when they come to us, ranging from childhood and family memories to personal and professional successes. Some desire to record the trials and successes of businesses or artistic endeavors.

To this end, I provide a variety of writing services tailored specifically to the particular needs of the client—standard Biographies and Memoirs for personal or family use, business biographies, and celebrity biographies. My biography writing service has been featured in Robb Report magazine and on the Hallmark Channel, and my methods were touted as “groundbreaking.”
Perfect Gift For:
- Father’s Day
- Mother’s Day
- Anniversay
- Christmas
- Retirement
Biographies, Memoirs and Family Histories are often quite personal, and I am generally commissioned to write them about the client or a relative of the client, to preserve the details of a life well lived. The events that make up a life are often of paramount importance to an organization, and the person’s family, friends and descendants, and should not be lost to time and fading memories. I am privileged to be designated as the caretaker of these life stories and consider it a labor of honor to preserve them in print for generations to come.
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